Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sharing is Caring

Do you have questions related to confinement/pantang stuff?

Drop me an email at mypantang@gmail.com

Will try my best to answer/update them here ASAP.

Towards the benefit for all.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Set Bersalin Nona Roguy (Part 2)

When you buy set bersalin Nona Roguy ni, there will be an instruction book included in the box. But if you are like me, you'll tend to be confused. Sebab-nya macam banyak sangat benda yang ditulis dalam tu.

Tambah pulak, ada macam-macam products dalam satu box kecik tu. Kira lah, ada 6 items semuanya. Tak pening tu? So, here I am trying to ease your confusion. So when the time comes for you to consume them all nanti, takde la terlupa ke apa. Senang ingat yang mana satu amik, time mana and kat mana.

Generally, u have to know that dalam set bersalin NR ni, ada 6 items. Yes, I repeat the same statement lagi. Out of these 6 items, hanya 2 yang perlu dimakan/minum - phytonatal and akar herbanika. So yang ni, sesiap korang letak kat dapur sebelah water heater tu. Macam mana nak consume, I'll tell you more in the next entries.

And the other 4 products are for external use only. As for me, krim barut is the most important product of them all. Dah jadi target aku confinement kali ni, nak kempiskan perut. So, krim barut ni, kalau ikutkan, memang tak cukup lah 1 tube yang dibagi dalam set bersalin ni. Letak sesiap di dresser, senang nak amik bila nak pakai lepas mandi tu.

2nd product has to be the minyak herbanika tu. Cos this, you'll use a lot - untuk urut, untuk sapu kat badan, kepala and also perut. Ni pun macam tak cukup jek sebotol tu. Plus, aku still continue using these products walaupun dah habis pantang 44 hari tu.

Next is the uncang cuci herbanika. Nowadays, most hospitals dah provide ubat cuci for patients sesiap before discharge from hospital. So, I recommend use that first sebab tu nasihat doktor kan. Then, after that can continue with uncang cuci herbanika. Takpun, macam aku, uncang tu buat rebus jadi air mandian herba lepas campur dengan daun pandan, daun limau purut and air rose.

Lastly is the herbanika lulur. Which serve the same purpose macam scrub tu. Sebelum mandi, boleh bancuh sikit dengan air and sapu kat badan. This is to hilangkan daki-daki and bau kat badan kita. 2 kali sehari mandi, tak segar gitu?

In short, set bersalin NR consists of:

1. Internal - phytonatal & akar herbanika; and
2. External use - krim barut, minyak herbanika, uncang cuci & herbanika lulur.

Usage is as follows:

1. Phytonatal - pil untuk makan
2. Akar herbanika - packet untuk minum panas/suam
3. Krim barut - sapu di perut
4. Minyak herbanika - sapu seluruh badan
5. Uncang cuci - wash veh-jay-jay or buat mandian herba
6. Herbanika lulur - as a scrub.

Dah tau basic usage of each products ni, nanti senang la nak guna kan. Macam mana nak guna set ni? Nanti I will blog them all in stages in the next entries yeah.

Do come back!